OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Move Piping Components

Moves a component, or set of components, around in the model. By default, the move component command will move the component selected and any components connected to it.
Note: This option is for Piping components only.
  1. Select a component(s) in the drawing using one of the Element Selection methods.
  2. Right-click and select Move Component from the context menu.
    Note: To move a single component, select the Move option from the Piping ribbon.
  3. Pick a point on the component to define the anchor point used for the move.
    Note: If you plan to connect this component, or group of components to another component, be sure to select an open port as the anchor point.
  4. Move the component(s) to the new location and left-click to place. If connecting to an existing component, make sure you snap to the open port of the component.
By default, the Move command will remain active until you select a new command.